Hillary Clinton campaign press secretary Brian Fallon was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. Fallon attempts to deploy his full Baghdad Bob routine to explain his candidate’s current health condition.
For anyone who has followed events, he fails miserably.  However, for the low-information crowd there’s a large number of people who don’t know enough to see the lies.  It appears the Clinton campaign is counting on the latter group.
Comments about Secretary Clinton’s health are at 04:26 of the video below (prompted):
Brian Fallon claims:
♦ Mrs. Clinton went to see her Doctor in New York on Friday morning before her National Security meeting.  (apparently to get the pneumonia diagnosis)

♦ Mrs. Clinton did not faint.  You should not believe your eyes.  She is strong and the key wording to push to day is “power through”.
♦ Mrs. Clinton does not have a contagious pneumonia.  Hence, it was ok to play with her grandchildren etc.
♦ Other campaign member have pneumonia and are also hard at work.
Here’s the full video segment cleaned up:
