trump eagle 8Against the backdrop of the largest single act of Jihad in modern history taking place in Nice, France, Donald Trump has cancelled the Friday press conference and announcement of his Vice-Presidential selection.
Donald Trump called in to both Greta Van Sustern and Bill O’Reilly shows to discuss the latest terrorist attack and his VP decision.
In a remarkable exhibition of her own desperation, and need to put her own candidacy on the scale of relevance, candidate Hillary Clinton also quickly called in to Bill O’Reilly for an interview, and then joined CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
Here’s how both series of interviews were broadcast beginning with Greta Van Sustern:

Donald Trump interview With Bill O’Reilly:

Hillary Clinton interview with Bill O’Reilly:

Hillary Clinton interview with Anderson Cooper – CNN:

2 candidate trump vs clinton - Rasmussen Poll 7-14-16
