Quinnipiac has released its latest Battleground State Polling (full pdf below).  The polling is for the states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.  Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton head-to-head in each state’s poll.
However, the shock data -sure to turn heads- is the reality of third party candidates hurting Hillary Clinton far more than Donald Trump:
4 Candidate Key State Poll
Yeah, I know, it takes a few minutes to gain your breath after you stop laughing.
Not only does this mean the best laid plans of the #NeverTrump crew have backfired, but it also means Team Clinton will now have to work diligently to get rid of Gary Johnson and Jill Stein if she is to have any remote possibility of winning the general election.
‘Splodey does not seem to adequately give enough emphasis to the stompy feet anxiety sure to be upsetting the globalists.  This is the best summer election ever.

Here’s the full poll data:

[scribd id=318242396 key=key-HX34yaqzvIF9GpkKsw7V mode=scroll]

Campaign Spending:

Campaign spending
Never trump crowd
trump haters 1
trump rally san diego 6
trump rally san diego 7


