Last week we shared a Georgia poll release from PPP and provided the following prediction:

The DNC will be expending considerable defensive resources in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin already because Trump is polling very strong in those previously uncontested blue states.  Look for PPP to focus attention toward FL and OH/PA next. –link

As we predicted, yesterday PPP released a poll of Florida voters, and now today the latest PPP Poll (full pdf below) shifts to Pennsylvania.  In the Keystone state Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are currently tied according to this release.
PPP Poll Pennsylvania - June 8th
Public Policy Polling surveyed 1,106 registered voters from June 3rd to 5th. The margin of error is +/3.0%. 80% of participants, selected through a list based sample, responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the survey over the internet through an opt-in internet panel. Unfortunately the poll under samples independent voters. [ Democrat 49%, Republican 40%, and Independent only 11% ]. And the source of the voter list is undisclosed.
With those methodology details provided, and given this release was conducted three days ago, yet timed to occur on the day after the primary voting, unfortunately this poll should most accurately be considered an  agenda poll intended to manipulate a political media narrative – provided for MSM use and public consumption.
Further evidence of the agenda polling can be noted in the data, as delivered, appears intended to undermine/underestimate Bernie Sanders support – and the published editorial focuses on the same aspect.  Hence, take with a grain of salt.

(From PPP)  PPP’s new Pennsylvania poll finds a close race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the state, although both a generic Democratic candidate and Bernie Sanders have more substantial leads that bode well for Clinton’s chances if she can get the party unified around her in the weeks ahead.
Clinton has 41% to 40% for Trump, with Gary Johnson at 6% and Jill Stein at 3%. In a head to head match up, Clinton and Trump tie at 44%. Similarly to what we found on the Florida poll we released yesterday, Republicans are more unified around Trump (79/8) than Democrats are around Clinton (75/15). That dynamic is what’s making the state competitive.
Democrats lead a generic ballot question for President 45/41, which is pretty similar to Barack Obama’s margin of victory in the state in 2012. Bernie Sanders has a substantial advantage over Trump, 45/36, with Johnson at 5% and Stein at 1%. In a head to head contest Sanders leads Trump 51/39.
Pennsylvania is a great microcosm of the issue Clinton faces in winning over Sanders fans. Among people who support Sanders in a head to head match up with Trump, only 72% support Clinton in the general. 10% would go to Trump, 6% to Stein, 4% to Johnson, and 9% are undecided. If Clinton could win over even just half of those Sanders supporting hold outs her lead over Trump would go from a tenuous 41-40 to a comfortable 47-40. Whether it’s possible for her to do that time will tell.  (read more)
Here’s The Full Poll Data:
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