Pictures and video from the Donald Trump rally in San Diego California show the various radical groups and violent agitators who are aligned with the Clinton and Sanders campaigns:

trump rally san diego 5

The various left-wing socialist movement:
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The open borders and illegal alien immigration crowd:
trump rally san diego
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trump rally san diego 2
Mexican flags flying everywhere.  But not an American flag.
Where are the American flags?
Oh yeah, inside the rally:
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Yes, the leftists are in their full sunlight mode.  This is exactly what they need to continue doing to support Donald Trump win California:

But not to worry, the patriots were having a blast inside:
However, there was an apparent security breech after the rally, making the secret service a little aggressive upon exit from the venue:
Video by ABC30 reporter Veronica Miracle shows objects being thrown by protesters hitting the Trump motorcade as the convoy departs Selland Arena.
Moments later fellow ABC30 reporter Jessica Peres posted her shocked reaction to Twitter as Trump’s motorcade apparently took evasive action.
Hat Tip GWP – Secret Service agents directing the motorcade carrying presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump apparently took evasive action after objects were thrown at the SUV carrying Trump as he departed the Selland Arena in Fresno, California on Friday.
More video posted by ABC30 indeed shows the Trump motorcade blasting through the police barricade and blowing by a police car parked in the middle of the intersection the desrtoyed barricade was blocking.  – SEE HERE
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Trump hugs a U.S. flag as he takes the stage for a campaign town hall meeting in Derry
Donald Trump is forced to wear a bullet proof vest, is surrounded by Secret Service agents 24/7, is under constant threat of physical violence, all because he defends America from oppositional forces intent on her destruction.
Tirelessly he campaigns for us…

…The least we can do is vote for him.

