Donald Trump strikes again.  Candidate Trump deliciously trolls the cultural Marxists within the media machine with a simple tweet over lunch on Cinco de Mayo when he shares a menu choice, a taco bowl.
trump tower grill 4
Immediately, spasmodically, the leftist media have a collective ‘splodey head over such a horrific display of cultural appropriation.  STOP THE PRESSES – this is a matter which deserves immediate and intensive investigation…. cue the response from Buzzfeed:
trump tower grill 3
Yes, yes they actually called Trump Tower to investigate such an outrage.  Oh, the humanity!  Now they’ve got him…. he’s a Cinco de Fibber no less.
No Taco Bowls for you !!
Wait, wha… huh?
trump tower grill 2
Oh noes,… there’s more than one restaurant in Trump Tower.
But seriously.  In a larger context, do you really think any other GOP candidate is uniquely skilled enough to cut through the ridiculous onslaught of media nonsense we all know is going to happen in their efforts to prop up candidate Clinton?
trump dr phil shrug
