(Via Breitbart) Presumptive Senate Minority Leader, Sen. Chuck Schumer, tells CNN that Marco Rubio was “not only totally committed” to the Obama-backed 2013 immigration expansion bill, but that “his fingerprints are all over that bill.”

Chuck Schumer close uprubio bush

The La Raza-backed Rubio-Schumer immigration bill would have granted amnesty to the illegal alien population and would have expanded immigration levels beyond all known historical precedent— issuing 33 million new immigrants on green cards in the span of a single decade, permanently transforming the U.S. electorate and economy.

Every immigrant with a green card could in turn bring relatives to the United States, collect welfare, and eventually vote and thus cancel out conservative ballots.

“He was not only totally committed— he was in that room with us, with four Democrats, four Republicans… for hours a day, week after week after week,” Schumer told CNN. “His fingerprints are all over that bill. It has a lot of Rubio imprints.”

“He understood it, he molded it, he made it a tough path to citizenship,” Schumer said. “But we all agreed to it, and it would have to be a tough path to citizenship. But he was all for it.”

As many reports have indicated, in 2013 Rubio became the public face of the immigration agenda of Barack Obama, La Raza, and the Chamber of Commerce. Rubio was the “salesman” for the bill— it was Rubio’s job to sell the bill to conservative opinion makers, who had trusted him.

For instance, at the time Rubio pledged to Rush Limbaugh, “If there is not language in this bill that guarantees that nothing else will happen unless these enforcement mechanisms are in place, I won’t support it.” Even though, as Sen. Schumer explained, the bill would grant amnesty to the illegal population “on day one” before the border was secured, Rubio voted for the bill anyway.

Rubio similarly told Sean Hannity at the time, “I don’t think any of that [i.e. amnesty] begins until we certify that the border security progress has been real. That a workplace enforcement mechanism is in place. That we are tracking visitors to our country, especially when they exit.”  (read more)

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