The current U.S.A. Lame-Stream Media has become a parody unto itself.  Not since Baghdad Bob have we been able to witness such intensely predictable agenda-driven propaganda from the institutional and corporate legacy media.

Today SEVERAL polls came out:

♦  Florida – Donald Trump ahead with 27%, Marco Rubio distant second with 16% (link)

♦  Iowa (two polls) – #1) PPP Poll with Trump ahead at 22%, Carson second 21%. (link)   and #2) OANN Poll with Trump at 29%, carson 22% (link)

♦  New Hampshire – Donald Trump leading with 26%, and Carson 16% (link)

Georgia – Donald Trump leading with 35%, and Ben Carson at 28% (link)

Two days ago (10/30/15) Investors Business Daily had a similar national result with Donald Trump ahead at 28% and Ben Carson at 23% (link)

Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox's Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)
Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox’s Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)

However, the Rupert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal and NBC teamed up for a post-debate poll.  And what do you think they came up with?

NBC – Ben Carson has surged into the lead of the Republican presidential race, getting support from 29 percent of GOP primary voters, according to a brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

[*Note*] This NBC/WSJ poll was conducted (by telephone and cell phone) from Oct 25-29 of 400 GOP primary voters, and it has a margin of error of plus-minus 4.9 percentage points.  (link)

The NBC/WSJ team only released the “top line” data.  Meaning they only released the part of the poll with the denominator they wanted to advertise/sell, ie. “The Narrative”.

They later announced how they will release the internals from the poll tomorrow.  You know, when none of those pesky eyes will be too keen to look at their polling methodology n’ stuff.   Why wait?  Well do you remember this previous fiasco – SEE HERE

Yeah, same polling outfit, and same sellers of the poll data.

Tonight and tomorrow morning it’s all about selling two specific narratives:

#1)  “Marco Rubio is Surging”

#2)  “Ben Carson takes the lead”


Simple, if you take out Donald Trump – then Ben Carson becomes Hermain Cain, Ted Cruz becomes Newt Gingrich, and Bush/Rubio becomes Mitt Romney in 2012 !

Watch Tonight/tomorrow:

megyn kelly 2 rupert murdoch

megyn kelly faint

