Two dynamics will portend whether Wall Street allows Hillary Clinton to continue with her presidential ambitions.  1.) The capability of Jeb Bush to get back to the needed 15-20% GOPe program, and 2.) the necessary removal of Donald Trump.
dead broke clintonsIf the RNC/GOPe strategy to destroy Trump fails, Hillary will be dispatched quickly.  Those who control the power influences will never allow the 2016 race to be Clinton VS Trump.  The money handlers always seek control of outcomes and Hillary is not strong enough to defeat Trump.
If Trump can defeat the RNC machine (yet to be determined), Clinton will be replaced by Joe Biden who will -most likely- be directed toward victory with the addition of Elizabeth Warren as VP.  This is not some Nostradamus-type insight, it’s just simply Wall Street and Dohonues’ best play.
Therefore Team Clinton, including Bill, have a vested interest in the destruction of Trump.
For Wall Street trillions are at stake; and for the Clinton graft machine et al(Clinton Foundation finances) their entire Vichy Livelihood is at stake.  This helps set the stage to comprehend the severity of what is soon to come….

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Dogged by continued scrutiny of her email practices as secretary of state, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s favorability with the American public has sunk to one of its lowest levels in Gallup’s 23-year trend. Currently, 41% of U.S. adults say they have a favorable opinion of the Democratic front-runner, while 51% hold an unfavorable view.

Clinton’s deflated favorable rating reflects the challenging political environment she has faced recently. Her use of a private server and email account as secretary of state remains an ongoing controversy and has prompted congressional and FBI investigations.

Clinton’s sub-40% favorable ratings in 1992 were mostly a product of the public’s lack of familiarity with her, rather than any kind of broad unpopularity. By contrast, her current 41% favorable rating is arguably her worst, given her nearly universal name recognition. (read more)

We have to call out the Gallup bias on that highlight above.  RIDICULOUS.  Clinton’s unfavorable in ’92 had nothing to do with “familiarity”, it had everything to do with Hillary Clintons plans for the government to take over U.S. Healthcare.
Gallup’s bias is on full display within that flat-out falsehood.
hillary stroke 2
