The MSM no longer even tries to hide their bias when polled results in average America don’t match their narratives.  Turn up the dials – increase the gaslighting.
brian williams taco
Two days ago Investors Business Daily published an extensive poll showing 59% of Americans favored forced deportation if needed in order to gain control of illegal immigration.

The latest IBD/TIPP Poll asked 913 adults coast to coast if they “support or oppose mandatory deportation of illegal immigrants in the U.S.” Not surprisingly, 87% of Trump supporters back the proposal.
What’s surprising is that 59% of the overall public does as well. Mandatory deportation gets majority support in all age groups except 18-24, every income group, among both women and men, at every level of educational achievement, and in rural, urban and suburban regions.
More interesting still is the fact that 64% of independents and 55% of moderates support deportation.  (link)

The media went out of their way to ignore the data; it just doesn’t fit the narrative. Quick turn the story around with terra-joules of gaslighting.  
As soon as possible The Washington Post and ABC teamed up to take back their narrative.   The vulgarian Trump must be dismissed, Mexican apologist Jeb Bush must be inflated.  Quick, hurry, rush to the typeset:

Back in 2012, GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney won the white vote 59 percent to 39 percent. He lost Hispanics by a notorious margin, 71-27.
All of which makes Jeb Bush’s numbers in the new Washington Post-ABC News poll fascinating. That’s because the former Florida governor is actually doing better among Hispanics than among whites (albeit within the margin of error).
This is both because Bush does worse than your average Republican among whites and notably better among Hispanics. While 39 percent of whites report a positive impression of him, that number is 43 percent for Hispanics. It’s almost unthinkable that a national GOP figure would face such a dichotomy these days. (link)

Gaslighting Alert – “you must have hispanics” – Gaslighting Alert – “you must have hispanics” – Gaslighting Alert !

Along a similar meme, did you see Pollster Frank Luntz twittering on about the Investors Business Daily poll?   Yeah, me neither….. funny that.

This series of Luntz declarations today seems curiously timed to coordinate with the Washington Post / ABC promotions.   Yeah, funny that….

“Remember, you must have Hispanics to win the White House; sure they’re only 17% total, and probably around 8% voter eligible, and half are Democrats, but you must have 40% of that 4% in order to win… you must… the 2012 GOP Post-Election debriefing plan said on page 452, section 18:4, paragraph 3, “that’s why Romney lost”; See, you must have Hispanics”…. forget the 70% White Voter; you must have Hispanics… Old math isn’t new math without them.” 
“Why surely you remember that open borders, like free trade, is a conservative value. You said it yourself! I heard you say it. All this nonsense about building up the Chinese communist military and losing American values by importing anti-American culture – why are you paying attention to the small stuff? Don’t you remember that free trade and open borders are fully conservative, and nothing else matters?”

Wait, what?

Duuuude OMG….I’ve been what?…

Hat Tip Tyrannocankles
