There are a few select moments in broadcast TV when the production content highlights a very distinct reality – and simultaneously informs the viewership on the absurd construct of political dynamics.  Last night Sean Hannity did just that.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry has been blasting 2016 GOP candidate Donald Trump over Trump’s remarks about illegal alien criminals.   Perry’s criticism has aided the liberal media’s efforts to isolate, ridicule and marginalize Trump.

However, using Rick Perry’s own Texas border reality, and showing the criminal statistics inherent from Perry’s own team, Hannity shows how Donald Trump is right, and Perry is just playing politics.  It was one of the best constructed segments Hannity has ever broadcast.

The segment begins at 03:35 and runs through 08:12.  The most substantial moment comes at 05:35.  Watch:

Texas Alone: (2008 through 2014) 642,000+ criminal convictions; 8,000+ sexual assaults; all from illegal alien criminals.  Game, Set, Match – Donald Trump was right!
