
 Use ideas that have helped create brackets that have beaten 99.9 percent of competitors in ESPN’s bracket challenge. How can you create such a bracket? Move through the pages and make your mathematical decisions.

If you are setting up your brackets for March Madness, this site is for you!

Let the power of math help your bracketology!

2012-03-13-intervalFor more information on how he does it, see Tim Chartier’s article in the HuffPo,

Got March Madness? Try Math!

Tim Chartier is Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Davidson College, Davidson, MI NC. In 2014, he was named the inaugural Mathematical Association of America’s Math Ambassador. As a researcher, Tim has worked with both Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories and his research was recognized with an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship.

For more about Tim, and his coauthors of March MATHness:
