The story of the hotel worker being fired for posting pictures of DHS vehicles inside the garage of a Saint Louis hotel is what’s known as “psy-ops”, or psychological operations.

dhs truckKey emphasis: the way the story is delivered is psy-ops, not the facts of the event itself.  A key distinction missed by most.
The intent of psy-ops is to influence opinion, subsequently influencing behavior, with a concerted effort of factual twisting to frame a specific version of events.   Conservatives absolutely suck at spotting the use of this tactical messaging method, and consistently fall for it.
It would take a long thesis to explain why conservatively minded people fall for the manipulative use of psychological operations, and liberals do not.  In summary it would come down to conservatives, holding an ideology based on truthful principles, subsequently taking things at face value – whereas Liberal Marxists are comfortable inside a messaging system structurally based on falsehoods and lies, so they are always untrusting.
This is also why progressives ideologies advance, and conservatives stand watching the aftermath with jaw agape.
Psy-ops operations are like cognitive land mines and should be treated as such.  A soldier has to train him/herself to deal with real landmines;  likewise you too need to train yourself to spot them when they appear.
When you see a story framed in such a manner that it appeals directly to your emotion, and not your intellect, STOP, pause and proceed slowly.   Ask yourself what are the who’s, what’s, where’s and then, only then, move to the why’s.
In essence, like a soldier, looking at the surrounding landscape and see if you can identify the source issue in front of you.
Often it is only after review of the surrounding landscape can we notice our travel is being manipulated and influenced.  We might be walking directly into a trap.

Communist Radical Lisa Fithian in Saint Louis organizing, and teaching protestors in the art of antagonism
Communist Radical Lisa Fithian in Saint Louis organizing, and teaching protestors in the art of antagonism

Liberal Marxist’s take this approach continually.  They are continually looking for ways to exploit the “optics”, or the narrative, of oppositional events.
Ergo President Obama looks at Mitt Romney and tells him “please proceed” when confronted in a CNN presidential debate.  Mitt walks right into Candy Crowley’s landmine:
(watch it – and I really do mean WATCH IT)

Marxist Stompy Feet knew exactly where it was located.
This is why liberals beat conservatives on messaging 100% of the time. They set up the landmines, appeal to emotion over logic, and conservatives walk right into them.
However, there are many conservatives who have awakened to the process and don’t fall for the psy-ops tricks.  Patriots like Bill Whittle and the late Andrew Brietbart are examples. Many folks on these Tree House pages too hold the same skillset, and in the larger picture the training to understand how to avoid the tricks is a big part of what we try to share.
The hotel employee, 28-year-old Mark Paffrath, is a member of the Justice for Mike Brown coalition. When someone sends a picture or video labeled “#NoJusticeNoPeace” (Landscape) it should have been a big tip-off. Yet various conservative sites and groups fell for the “framed victim narrative” (the landmine).
The psy-ops push provided by Argus News who hosts, and pays, several of the Justice For Mike Brown livestreamers (bigger landscape). Yet even then, that didn’t set off the alarm bells.
The Drury Plaza Hotel in Chesterfield is a private business who can fire any employee who violates their employment terms.
Mr. Paffrath violated the confidentiality of a guest in the hotel, and there is no distinction between a corporate guest and you or your spouse staying there. Hotel employees are not permitted to broadcast the visibility of the guests for their business, it is a simple and legal employment construct.

Mr. Paffrath was fired for violating those terms. However, the JFMB coalition immediately dispatched the “emotional” victim message surrounding his firing, and more than a few conservative websites and organizations fell for the psy-ops.
Paffrath is not a victim, he’s an activist who made a decision to use private and proprietary information to exploit his ideological cause.
breitbart angel
