This is a follow-up to the earlier story.   The Duncanville Texas School District has suspended Vinita Hegwood, without pay, pending discharge:

vinita L Hegwood 2.1Early this morning district officials met with Ms. Hegwood, the teacher who stated reprehensible personal opinions on her personal social media account. The district took swift action and exercised the fullest disciplinary action allowed under district policy. Ms. Hegwood was placed on suspension without pay pending discharge. Under state law, a school district’s Board of Trustees “fires” staff members, and the district will pursue that action with the board soon. In the meantime, the teacher has been placed on suspension without pay pending discharge.

The district wants the community to know that the actions of this one individual does not and should not represent the school district. Every day, two hundred and forty Duncanville High School teachers provide a school environment that fosters academic excellence, good citizenship and respect for others. Teachers give their life’s work to shaping the future, and this one individual does not represent our staff or our district.  (link)

Previously – One of the more vocal supporters of the #Ferguson activists is a woman named Vinita Hegwood who uses Twitter under the name “duckseason6”. She is not only an activist/advocate, but also a proliferate user of social media to advocate for her views.
vinita L Hegwood 2.1
Some of Ms. Hegwoods views contain some rather offensive and vulgar language which appear below:
vinita L Hegwood 2
However, one of the more concerning aspects of Vinita Hegwood’s ideological broadcasts comes when you recognize she is a High School Teacher in the Dallas, Texas area.
Vinita L Hegwood
Ms. Vinita L Hegwood is a school teacher at Duncanville High School (Link To School) She teaches “English and Health Science“.
A person would be left to wonder what it would be like as a “cracker” (aka white) student in Ms. Hegwood’s class? It seems a little concerning to consider a school teacher promoting a basic premise that white people -with whom she disagrees- should go and kill themselves.
Apparently word of the “risk” from teacher advocated violence has now reached the administration of the school district:
vinita L Hegwood 3
It will be interesting to see exactly how the school community responds to the now public, vulgar and by all accounts, racist, expressions of a black school teacher.
It’s already brutally obvious what would happen if a white school teacher was telling a group of “niggers” to “kill themselves” on social media.
It is even more interesting to think about the type of teaching she has been engaged with in all the years she has held the captive attention of a classroom of impressionable ears.
She teaches ENGLISH:
vinita L Hegwood 2.2
Her Website is HERE
Somewhat explains the problems college students have with written composition, and spoken elocution, when you realize this is who’s teaching them in High School, no?
Then again….. she does have audio/visual skill as evidenced in this video about her, well, formative upbringing:
