Interesting video –  Note this is not an interview per se’, this is NBC’s Chuck Todd going through the Media Matters Rebuttal points to a Scott Walker victory.
As Todd goes systematically through the liberal questioning you can actually hear him make verbal cues known in psychological circles as “self-cues” or mental “trip wires”.  A mental trip wire is contacted each time a rebuttal factually deconstructs the argument.

When an interviewer is prepared and anticipating an antithetical (opposition to their views) response rebuttal they can, at times, give off a visible sound, usually it’s very subltle (they don’t even hear themselves doing it):”yeah”, “yes”, or “un-huh” (all in the affirmative).   The oratory clues are actually tip off’s the questioner is searching for another approach of attack, and wishes to move past the current question which has failed but it now being responded to.  Listen closely.
