A little more than a year ago we stumbled upon Charles Barron while researching a group of professional racists who were advocating for violence against any non-blacks.  Essentially in New York City in response to the 2012/2013 Knock-Out assaults, a man named Charles Barron openly was telling residents the black attacks against non-blacks must continue.  He was openly declaring violence.
As incredible as this sounds back in 2013 Mr. Barron publicly told the media blacks should not stop attacking non-blacks until Jews in New York begin paying black people to stop.  He was not alone in his demands; others joined him.
That research follows after today’s New York Observer article:
CharlesBarron-2New York – Charles Barron famously hosted Zimbabwe’s repressive President Robert Mugabe at City Hall as a freshman councilman in 2002–and said yesterday he would like to repeat the performance in his first term at the state capital.
In an exclusive interview with the Observer, Mr. Barron, who won a Democratic primary for an open Assembly seat last week and is very likely to crush his GOP rival, expressed hope that he could persuade the foreign official to visit Albany.
“I would love for him to come to Albany. I would love for him to come anywhere in the United States, really,” Mr. Barron said in an interview at his former campaign office in East New York, Brooklyn. “I think he’s a shining example of an African leader on the African continent.”New. Critics have argued that Mr. Mugabe uses this policy to reward his political allies.
“He was one of the few African leaders who had the courage to take the land back from the settlers,” said Mr. Barron, comparing him favorably to the late South African leader Nelson Mandela, who he argued allowed whites to retain too much property. […]

Mr. Barron has long expressed admiration for other Third World military dictators, such as late Libyan leader Muammar el-Quaddafi and former Cuban President Fidel Castro, even as he condemned the United States for supporting the fallen regimes of the Duvalier family in Haiti and General Augusto Pinochet in Chile. All of those rulers drew international condemnation for using violence, intimidation, torture, imprisonment and extrajudicial executions to suppress political dissidence.
All my heroes were America’s enemies,” Mr. Barron said.  (read more)

——————- Backstory on Barron From 2013 Research —————————

Backstory: OK, so I’m doing research into the New York City Councilman, Charles Barron, (and his wife – but that’s a long story)….. any-who…. So Barron is the guy who said that Blacks would only stop punching Jews in the face if the blacks are paid to stop doing it. {I’m paraphrasing him, but essentially that was his position}…

[So researching this guy a bit, against the backdrop of the new openly socialist mayor, will help me to understand the connect-a-dots of stories which will stem from New York City over the next election cycle (2014).

So the research, this type of research, is not generally what I would write up a post about – it’s usually just to help me understand what is going on in the mind of the people who may eventually be in the story discussion later. Mental reference cards so-to-speak].

But amid the way out there EXTREME edges of ideological stuff on this guy, I found a video he himself put on U-Tube to openly assist his rise in the political world.
THIS – You just gotta see. And remember, he is the one producing this – He is proud of this. Watch the whole thing:

There’s a congressional race, yes, U.S. House of Representatives race, where this name “Barron” looks like it will surface. More on that later.
ps. David Duke is supportive of this guy. Yes, THAT David Duke.

————————–    {SNIP}   —————————-

We wrote that research snippet back in 2013.   The open and visible hatred is really becoming quite alarming.

How are people holding such views able to retain such open and visible profiles and not be isolated, ridiculed and driven from the mainstream?

When views like these are allowed to go unchallenged and unpunished by a larger moral society you end up with the consequences we now evidence in Ferguson Missouri.
Anthony Shahid and Steve Stengerbig mike 3Darren wilson grainy 3
