This letter sent to the Saint Louis Dispatch by Benjamin Crump clearly showcases the growing sense of desperation. As with almost all things from the mind of the Crump it will also backfire. Benjamin Crump should leave the thinking parts to his sidekick Daryl Parks.
First the Letter:
crump letter 1

crump letter 2
Crump Presser
Benjamin Crump is not the sharpest tack in the tool shed.
You see, in the mind of the Crump the judge blocking the release of the Juvenile criminal records of Mike Brown equates to the non-existence of the records; ergo in Crump’s mind there is no risk of criminal conduct being exposed.
There are police records, there are incident reports, there are victim statements, there are witness statements of all the engagements; and, more importantly, in addition to the documents Crump feels safe will never reach sunlight…..
There are police officers who investigated the reports.  There are victims who gave statements.  There are people in law enforcement and inside the judiciary who were involved in all aspects of the Mike Brown Jr. criminal engagements.  People.
Actual in-real-life people.
Just because a judge blocks a media publication from seeing the official criminal justice system record; does not mean the media, traditional or new, will be blocked from getting copies of incident reports, victim reports, police reports, and law enforcement engagement records.
Like perhaps for instance, oh, I don’t know – what if Big Mike were involved in: four assault charges, three burglary charges, one charge of attempted carjacking, one charge of sexual assault (attempted rape), and one charge of …. 
That might be a little difficult to hide considering all of the people involved, NO?
Almost identical to the Trayvon Martin case where Ben Crump petitioned the court to seal the school and criminal justice records of Trayvon Martin, the records still existed – and it is not too difficult to bring them to the surface because PEOPLE were/are involved in the activities around those engagements.
And now, thanks to the short-sighted desperation of Benjamin Crump doing anything just to get the arrest he needs to file wrongful death lawsuits, there will be a purposeful motivation for those people to bring the truth forward.
Nothing drives sunlight toward a scheme like a publically broadcast lie from the mouth of a braggart.
Well done Mr. Crump.  And Thank You.
Baby Newt
