An Open Letter To Visitors, any Visitors

Perhaps it is time to revisit the modern word “objective”, where it is phrased around a request by readers to soften the discussion pages within our research and discussion blog.
Lately several newer visitors have stated via twitter, email, or direct comments something to the extent they are disconcerted by the tone of our delivery as we present the factual research behind the headlines.
patriotThis website is aptly named “The Last Refuge” (aka the conservative treehouse) for a very specific reason. A long explanation would be something akin to: Eventually everyone is going to have to reconcile the obvious which confronts them; and when they do the paradigms of their life experience will leave them no-place of traditional intellectual comfort – we shall provide the venue to recover.
A shorter version would be: we, as a brave and proud constitutional republic, are surrounded by stupid – and everyone needs an Alamo where everything is reconciled for what it is, not what we wish it to be.
Here, at The Last Refuge, stupid is identified as, well, stupid – Moonbat stupid.
We, our association, are openly willing to be challenged on ideas, concepts, beliefs and opinions derived therein, as we each seek to understand the events of the day.
However, there comes a point where “objectivity”, for the sake of polite conversation, is futile.
Was Harry Reid and his like-minded Democrats being “objective”, and analyzing various opinions of consequence, when they constructed Obamacare? At 1:30am, on Christmas eve 2009, to force a vote before allowing the opposition to go home?
Was Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi being objective when they refused to allow a single opposition amendment to their disastrous plan?  Which, as you are aware, will now financially cripple working families with additional taxes.
Was President Obama being “objective” when he said: …”if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period”?
Is Al Gore “objective” when it comes to various opinions and considerations for “man made global warming”?
In order for a person to state yes to the above questions, they would have to be of the same cognition that proclaim: “half of something you just tripled is less” as they discuss the deficit.
Pragmatism is only possible absent of blind ideologues.   2014’s democrats are all blind ideologues.
Ten days ago President Obama honestly admitted that his administration “had no strategy” when it comes to dealing with ISIS terrorists in Syria. Yet a week later 30% of the American electorate said they believed President Obama had a clear plan strategy to deal with ISIS in Syria.
30% of the American electorate claim President Obama had a strategy a week after President Obama himself told them he did not.
Can you be “objective” when conversing with that 30%?
Consequently, “objectivity”, or the demand of consideration of alternate possibilities, is -at least in that example- an impossible pipe-dream when you consider the cognitive dissonance attached to that 30%.
In short, those 30% are stupid moonbats.
They were either born, or grew willingly, into stupid moonbattery.
They will always be stupid, and they will always demand association with like-minded idiots; and if they cannot find enough willfully blind moonbats to join them they will demand those of non-stupid association to lower the bar, drop the standard, and accept stupid as currency for moonbat association.
No. Not going to happen here. We are called the Last Refuge for a reason.
Cognitive dissonance, is not limited to minority Democrats or hardline liberal ideologues. There’s a myriad of bat-shit crazy fools on the Republican side too.
Remember, it was Glenn Beck and Dana Loesch who intentionally went to Texas to visit the invisible “Unaccompanied Alien Children” during their Soccer Balls and Teddy Bear humanitarian tour.
Did they see a single unaccompanied child, no. Did they take a picture of a single unaccompanied child, no. Did unaccompanied alien children actually exist in the tens of thousands pouring over the border, no.
Just like the 30% of people who proclaim Obama has a Strategy he denies, so too did a bunch of Moonbat conservatives actually give Beck/Loesch money for soccer balls and teddy bears to distribute to the manufactured figments of the Obama administration.
Stupid. Moonbats.
What did Moonbat Beck and Moonbat Loesch say when confronted with the reality of their moonbat behavior: “You need to be objective“. Um, anyone noticing a trend here?
The demand for “objectivity” is the clarion sound of two groups. 1.) People who are losing an argument. 2.) People who cannot accept the reality of their life paradigm being wrong.
It is impossible to be objective with Moonbats.
Half of something you just tripled is not less.
The last Federal Budget was signed into law September of 2007.
There has not been a federal budget in seven fiscal years, and there won’t be one next year either.
$18.5 trillion in debt.
18.5 trillion seconds ago it was 3,200 BC
Objectivity did not save George Zimmerman from the clenches of the Moonbat ideologues whose entire existence is dependent on racial division.   Objectivity will not save Police Officer Darren Wilson from the same assembly.
And objectivity most certainly will not save the republic.
Warmest regards,
