Under Democrat governance the U.S. State Department has lost control, and is now openly being run by a college crowd of Brangelina beatniks. Let us not forget the 2010 WikiLeaks Cables’ fiasco which forced Secretary Hillary Clinton to fly around the globe for an entire year apologizing for the childish behavior of her underlings.

marie harfUnder Secretary John Kerry, as unbelievable as this sounds, the lack of professionalism has actually worsened.

With all of the global challenges like: oh, say ISIS beheading U.S. citizens, Russia essentially invading Ukraine, Libya in a state of civil war, Syria destroyed from the inside out, North African radical islamists attacking and kidnapping non-muslims, Iran rushing to get a nuclear bomb, North Korea launching missile strikes and China replaying Tiananmen 2.0 – the State Department’s Marie Harf chooses to use her platform to attack Fox News Bill O’Reilly.


Because of this:

“I think that when the anchor of a leading cable news show uses––quite frankly––sexist, personally offensive language that I actually don’t think they would ever use about a man, against the person that shares this podium with me, I think I have an obligation and I think it’s important to step up and say that’s not okay.”  (Marie Harf – State Department Spokesperson)

