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Libya is vitally important for several reasons.  The nation is the gateway between Africa and the Middle East, as well as the primary gate between Africa and Europe.   What happens in Libya has profound consequences for Africa, the Middle East and Europe.
Unreported by the Western media some EU nations -and possibly the U.S.- have been covertly using air strikes to try and stop the assembly forces of the radical islamists.  As we previously shared the Benghazi, Mizrata and Darnah brigades, the Libyan Fighting Groups, have assembled under one banner called “Operation Dawn”.
However, the “mysterious airstrikes” have been futile given the scope of the islamists moving on the ground.   The Tripoli International Airport has been completely destroyed.  Islamist Fighting Groups are now in control of the Capital city.

Things are bad folks, really bad.  48 hours ago I lost contact with my source in the area – please say a prayer for all the innocent Libyans now suffering as a consequence of stupid U.S. policy. Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and President Obama caused this.
libya1_2Obama Libya Bombing

libya map 8-24-14
Operation Dawn, a coalition of Islamist and Misrata forces, captured the airport on Saturday in fierce fighting against pro-government militias after a five-week siege that battered parts of the capital.
Television images from the scene showed jubilant, bearded, militias dancing on wrecked airliners, firing machine guns in the air and chanting “Allah O Akbar” (“God is great”).
On Sunday, they set airport buildings ablaze, apparently intending to destroy rather than hold the site.
The victory, which secures Islamist control over Tripoli, was a culmination of weeks of fighting triggered by elections in July, lost by Islamist parties.
Rather than accept the elections result Islamist leaders in Libya accused the new parliament of being dominated by supporters of the former dictator Muammar Gaddafi, and have sought to restore the old national congress.
“The general national congress will hold an emergency meeting in Tripoli to save the country,” said Omar Ahmidan, a congress spokesman.
Libya’s official parliament, the house of representatives, in the eastern city of Tobruk, denounced the attack as illegal, branding Dawn a “terrorist organisation” and announcing a state of war against the group. The move leaves Libya with two governments, one in Tripoli, and one in the east of the country, each battling for the hearts and minds of the country’s myriad militias.  (link)
