No-one was a larger victim of the rabid hate from the misled masses than Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman. Both Robert and Gladys Zimmerman went through H*LL as a result of the lynch mob mentality stoked by the lies of Spike Lee and Roseanne Barr.

Mere weeks after leaving the hospital, and while caring for an elderly parent with Alzheimer’s, they were forced to flee their home in the middle of the night as the Bounty Hunting mob descended around them.   The next year and a half were spent moving from hotel to hotel trying to remain safe.   $750k doesn’t even begin to compensate….

robert-gladys-zimmerman-sr-061913New York Daily News – The parents of George Zimmerman want comedian Roseanne Barr to pay up $750,000 for emotional damage and other expenses for posting their address on Twitter.

Robert and Gladys Zimmerman say the tweet by Barr on March 29, 2012, caused $600,000 in emotional distress, according to federal court documents, after they were forced to “flee their house in the middle of the night.”

Of that amount, about $37,400 will cover additional expenses such as hotel rooms, travel, meals out and laundry, since they couldn’t live at their Lake Mary, Fla., property after Barr shared their address.

March 29, 2012: After Spike Lee tweeted the incorrect address for George Zimmerman that caused a family to leave their home in fear, Roseanne Barr retweets the correct address for Zimmerman’s parents to over 100,000 twitter followers, then deletes it. Then, she tweets:

..”If Zimmerman isn’t arrested I’ll retweet his address again.  maybe go 2 his house myself“..

Rosanne 2Rosanne tweet Pic 5


The comedian later deleted the tweet shared with more than 100,000 people, which also included their telephone number and names, court documents show, but journalists had already descended upon their home.

The couple filed suit in March, eight months after a jury acquitted their son George, a former Neighborhood Watch volunteer, for the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. (more)

