HatTip Sharon and Stella – We rose three weeks ago in support of Cliven Bundy; and despite the turmoil and toxicity created recently by a manipulative media we will remain so.
Why?  Simple.  Because we understand the larger context of what is actually taking place.  This is not about Cliven Bundy or racism any more than the land grab was about turtles or grazing fees.  The unification of a broad electorate, behind a commonality – is a risk.  It has always been thus.
Start by understanding this video:

In addition to the Frankfurt Fabian networks, and the conglomerates of institutionalized leftists, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly have also arrived to claim their pound of Bundy flesh, fall prey to the premise of the institutional left and insure the division.

glennbeck_jpg_627x325_crop_upscale_q85Sean Hannity
Those who depend on distortion and deception to maintain power have polished their ability to take a single phrase, or a completely wrong single point, and turn it into a litmus test that is used to dismiss everything else.
Our society has well been well trained to tolerate this active filtering.  Until the use of it (and the users) is deconstructed and exposed, it will continue being effective with a sizable portion of our pathetically dumbed down public.
In the Bundy case application of filtering is very useful to the Grievance Industry.
bill-oreilly egoIn addition, many self-defined conservatives are no longer capable of listening to mixed messaging and use their common sense and courage to point out:  “While I believe generally with the perspectives presented, I disagree with (or don’t understand? don’t know why they said?) what is said in this one part.”
The complexity of typical conversation with varied ideas mixed together in that conversation requires the ability to discern, sort, separate, think, conclude – and then apply what was said.
Sometimes the kernel of an idea, just a phrase in a conversation, will be the string that leads to a sea of falsehood that reigns supreme in the core of the speaker.   Consider candidate Obama’s toss-off line in a walking town hall when he said to Joe the Plumber he was all for spreading the wealth around.   That was one of those moments.
At other times, such a phrase in a conversation is the speaker’s best effort to move his argument along; and even though it is his best effort, unfortunately for the speaker unskilled in the art of presenting prose to avoid manipulation, it is also a hanging fast ball for someone to hit out of the park; thus dismissing everything else said, and influencing others to do the same..
The statements by Cliven Bundy are a perfect reflection of this intentional inability to discern; and total willingness to isolate, ridicule and marginalize in a concerted effort to dismiss the larger message:

cliven bundy 1…” and so what I’ve testified to ya’, I was in the WATTS riot, I seen the beginning fire and I seen the last fire. What I seen is civil disturbance. People are not happy, people is thinking they did not have their freedom; they didn’t have these things, and they didn’t have them.

We’ve progressed quite a bit from that day until now, and sure don’t want to go back; we sure don’t want the colored people to go back to that point; we sure don’t want the Mexican people to go back to that point; and we can make a difference right now by taking care of some of these bureaucracies, and do it in a peaceful way.

Let me tell.. talk to you about the Mexicans, and these are just things I know about the negroes. I want to tell you one more thing I know about the negro.

When I go, went, go to Las Vegas, North Las Vegas; and I would see these little government houses, and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids…. and there was always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch. They didn’t have nothing to do.  They didn’t have nothing for the kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for the young girls to do.

And because they were basically on government subsidy – so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never, they never learned how to pick cotton.   And I’ve often wondered are they were better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things? Or are they better off under government subsidy?

You know they didn’t get more freedom, uh they got less freedom – they got less family life, and their happiness -you could see it in their faces- they were not happy sitting on that concrete sidewalk.   Down there they was probably growing their turnips – so that’s all government, that’s not freedom.

Now, let me talk about the Spanish people. You know I understand that they come over here against our constitution and cross our borders. But they’re here and they’re people – and I’ve worked side-by-side a lot of them.

Don’t tell me they don’t work, and don’t tell me they don’t pay taxes. And don’t tell me they don’t have better family structure than most of us white people. When you see those Mexican families, they’re together, they picnic together, they’re spending their time together, and I’ll tell you in my way of thinking they’re awful nice people.

And we need to have those people join us and be with us…. not, not come to our party.

American Patriot
