Example #856,477 of the True Face of Bigots; the face of Democrats. 

Imagine if a white politico stated a black candidate needed prior approval to campaign in a white community ?  It would be on CNN/MSNBC 24/7 for weeks. 

Greg AbbottTEXAS – Texas politicians are recoiling after a prominent Lubbock Democrat accused Republican candidate for governor Greg Abbott of “piñata politics” in a bigoted tirade and allegedly disparaged Abbott’s Latina wife.

“Greg Abbott came into our house uninvited, wanting to somehow give the illusion that the Lubbock County Hispanic community is supportive,” Lubbock city councilman Victor Hernandez said after Abbott visited the West Texas town and held a campaign rally at a Mexican restaurant. “If you want to come into my house, the first thing you have to do is to see me — see me as a person, see me as a human being, see me as a fellow Texan.”

Hernandez, who chairs the local chapter Tejano Democrats, is furious about Abbott’s appeal to Hispanic voters in his city. Even though Abbott was met by a crowd of supporters at Jimenez Bakery and Restaurant last week, Hernandez branded the stop as “offensive” to Hispanics and “beyond any sense of decency.”

He criticized Abbott and Republican candidates for not clearing their visit with local Hispanic groups.

The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal said Hernandez couldn’t recall specific examples of Wendy Davis showing the same deference to such groups. But he has doubled down on his fiery denunciation of the Republican candidate, and now he’s in hot water over his alleged use of the word “prop” to describe Cecilia Abbott, Greg Abbott’s Hispanic wife of 33 years.  (read more)
