When New Jersey Democrat Senator Frank Lautenberg died on June 3rd 2013, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had a decision to make. Generally speaking, Governors appoint interim representatives as replacement Senators to finish the term (through 2014) of the deceased. But this potential appointment held some *other* considerations.
A review of those considerations once again outlines the lack of character amid Establishment politicians who are more concerned with themselves than their constituencies.
In the Lautenberg replacement example you find somewhat of an odd issue. Chris Christie is a Republican, former Senator Lautenberg was a Democrat. New Jersey is generally a “blue” or Democratic state. So what was Christie to do?
If he appointed a Republican replacement he would be eschewed within his own state by the media for being a partisan politician. If he appointed a Democrat replacement he would come under fire from all of his conservative Republican detractors who have often pointed out his non-conservative tendencies; “RINO” Christie personified.
He also has his own re-election to think about.
His decision was to put no-one in Lautenberg’s seat, and hold a special election (October) to let the people of New Jersey determine the replacement.
On its face this appears a modest, perhaps appropriate decision. However, in fact, what this really shows is how Chris Christie is more concerned about Chris Christie than he is, in fact, about his state or anything else.
Not only did the Senate seat sit vacant and no voice heard in the Senate; and not only did it cost the NJ taxpayer $125 million for the special election; but what really stands out is how this guy was unwilling to stand on principle…. *if* it impacts self.
As an example, he could just have easily appointed the head of his own state legislature, the New Jersey House Speaker, immediately to fill the void and then left it up to the legislature to replace the speaker.   Regardless of political affiliation (the speaker is a Democrat) it would have been prudent and justified.
Instead what you saw Gov Christie do was try to thread the needle. Not because of the risk to New Jersey, but because of the risk to HIM.
TO HIM; for all the previously outlined reasons.
In the big picture it really doesn’t matter much, and few if anyone actually cared about it. And ultimately I’m not saying this decision was the wrong one.
What I am saying is it was the least brave choice; and then given the bold distinctions now existing within our Republic, it just highlights a self-serving filter that sits at the forefront of most political considerations.
This one example, like so many before it and so many yet to come, will be overlooked and brushed aside as momentum builds to selecting a 2016 presidential candidate. When the time comes for the establishment to pick “their guy” they’ll be looking heavily toward Chris Christie and his pin stripped credentials.
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So I’m just throwing it out there for two reasons.   One, it was one of the underreported political examples which seem to constantly find their way into the dark hole of oblivion whenever the media don’t want to see a highlight upon someone they support.
And secondly, as a contrast, imagine what would have been the response if Governor Sarah Palin were in the same position, and made the same or similar decision. I have a feeling that ‘less brave’ would have been an understatement in the media framing of the narrative.
Just saying.
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