In 1986 Libyan diplomats, acting at the specific instruction of Libyan leader Qaddafi, sent a bomb expert, Yasser Chraidi, from Tripoli to East Berlin.   Chraidi was a member of The Libyan People’s Bureau (LPB).   Driving a Volkswagen Golf bearing East German diplomatic license plates, Chraidi then left East Berlin and traveled through Checkpoint Charlie into West Berlin.
He constructed and hid his device in an apartment belonging to a Palestinian student.   On April 5th 1986 the bomb was delivered to an apartment beloging to Ali Chaana.   His wife, Verena Chaana, and her sister Andrea, took the bomb to Friedenau, a district in West Berlin, where they walked in to “La Belle”, a popular Black hip-hop style nightclub.    It was shortly after 1:00am and the place was packed.
la Belle
East and West were divided at the time, but some specific East German girls had permission to leave.   They travelled back and forth, with permission given by the East German police.  In exchange for the passage they were required to give information back to the East German authorities.
This was the case with Verena Chaana.   After the fall of the Berlin wall it was discovered that Verena’s work included being a spy,  gathering intelligence on U.S. army locations, and also the army size and/or movements.    Hence the nightclubs were a key source of information.
Chaana gave the East German Stasi and the Libyan Peoples Bureau information on the location of the nightclub, La Belle.  There were other choices, for terror targeting, but if they went to a dominant white service member club,  the risk of search was greater.   The black nightclub, was a much softer target.   La Belle was very popular with Black U.S. Service members;  it was also well attended by non-blacks, but in Berlin at the time it was generally thought of as a black club.  At the time the bomb was detonated the song “fly girl” was playing.
Many of the non military Americans living in West Berlin at the time were severely anti Reagan.    For quite a while the anti-Reaganites, along with the German people, found it inconceivable, and perhaps illogical to reconcile, that Qaddaffi would kill innocent blacks.
To them Qaddaffi was a weird hero of sorts.  He was, after all, aiming all of his terroristic threats and hatred against “The West”.    It was/is quite popular in Europe, especially in Berlin at the time, to be a self-loathing liberal American and to espouse a similar disdain for The West.
The liberal U.S. press were equally and willfully blind.   They were not going to write annoying realities amid their storylines; about La Belle being predominantly a black club, thereby exposing the real Qaddaffi hate message – which would accurately present Qaddaffi as hating Europe as much as America.    No-one was ever going to call the media out, and if some academic actually did point out the omission they would just claim it made no difference.
No-one who reviewed the American media reports was ever going to know that Qaddaffi attacked a strategically soft target known to be popular with the liberally minded folks, blacks, or black GI’s.    That would have been more difficult to reconcile with the general sentiment at the time.   No, they just focused on the GI aspect.
When the international news agencies reported about the bombing, they referred to La Belle almost exclusively as G. I. club, not as a “Black G. I” Club.
Fast forward to 2011 Libya, bear honest witness and you can see what regard Libyan President Qaddaffi had for geography and race.    Despite decades of liberal protestations to the contrary, many of which stemmed from France, Quaddaffi hated Africans –  He considered African migration as “currency”, and used his position as gatekeeper between Africa and Europe to blackmail the newly formed EU into giving him €5 billion annually to control the migration.
Gaddafi signs over 14-billion-dollars in contracts with France
The EU has a history of political correctness running amuck.    They will claim all manner of tolerance to the global community, but once the door is closed quite the opposite frames their constitution.   It is just one example of the liberal ideology fraught with hypocrisy.
If Quackdaffy was pissed off, or more frequently if he felt he was being dismissed, he would merely unlock the North African gates for a few months – the ensuing flood of undesirables would bring the EU back to him on their knees.  Each time, more money in hand, and….. After extending the back of his hand for the highly visible kiss of humility from the detractor turned homage kneeler, he would re-lock the gates.   Cha-ching.
Sarkozy Supporting the Libyan Opposition
Sarkozy Supporting the Libyan Opposition

That’s why French President Sarkozy was so adamant about Daffy’s overthrow in 2010/2011.   At any cost.   The “undesirables”, those millions of people flowing into Europe from North Africa, were/are wrecking havoc on all the EU nations and constructs.   The various intertwined economies just cannot support such uncontrolled immigration – yet the PC liberals in charge of most parliament’s  couldn’t openly display their goals in that regard.   Such admissions would destroy pontificating credibility.
Back to 1986 –  [With help in constructing the event narrative from ATFC]  On the late evening of 15 April and early morning of 16 April 1986, under the code name El Dorado Canyon, the United States launched a series of military air strikes against ground targets inside Libya.
It is the purpose behind the mission…a mission fully consistent with Article 51 of the U.N. Charter.

Qaddaffi ordering an attack on Americans:  “to cause maximum and indiscriminate casualties.” Another communications source, an intercepted Libyan message outlined the attack being planned in West Berlin.

All except one of these targets were chosen because of their direct connection to terrorist activity. The single exception was the Benina military airfield which based Libyan fighter aircraft. This target was hit to preempt Libyan interceptors from taking off and attacking the incoming US bombers.   [It should also be noted that the French Embassy in Tripoli and several of the neighboring residential buildings also were bombed inadvertently during the raid;  <—-  whoopsie they were *cough*  “not” targeted]
Mission planners decided, as part of the effort to attain tactical surprise, to hit all five targets simultaneously. This decision had crucial impact on nearly every aspect of the operation since it meant that the available US Navy resources could not perform the mission unilaterally. The only two types of aircraft in the US inventory capable of conducting a precision night attack were the Navy’s A-6s and the Air Force’s F-111s.
The Navy had two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean at the time planning for the raid: The America and The Coral Sea. Each had ten A-6 aircraft, but these were not the total of 32 aircraft estimated as required to successfully hit all five targets with one raid.
The closest F-111s were based in the United Kingdom (UK); and use of these UK based aircraft dramatically affected the scope and complexity of the operation.
Planning was even further compounded when the French refused to grant authority to overfly France. This refusal increased the distance of the flight route from Great Britain to Tripoli by about 1300 nautical miles each way, added 6-7 hours of flight time for the pilots and crews, and forced a tremendous amount of additional refueling support from tanker aircraft.
The size of the strike force’s final configuration was immense and complex. Approximately 100 aircraft were launched in direct support of the raid.  […]  The actual combat commenced at 0200 (local Libyan time), lasted less than 12 minutes, and dropped 60 tons of munitions.
Resistance outside the immediate area of attack was nonexistent, and Libyan air defense aircraft never launched. One FB-111 strike aircraft was lost during the strike. The entire armada remained in the vicinity for over an hour trying to account for all aircraft.
The French refused to allow the United States access to their airspace, which resulted in an additional 2300 miles of travel to and from the targets,  caused extra in-flight re-fuelings, and the loss of one strike fighter and her crew.
On the way out of Libya our boys accidentally dropped a bomb on the French embassy in Tripoli.  Oops.

And So Today, President Obama:

Today August 30th, 2013,  […]   He called France ‘our oldest ally’,  apparently forgetting the anger a decade ago at its refusal to support the Iraq  War, which led to the French being satirised in US media as ‘cheese-eating  surrender monkeys’.

In a further snub, Barack Obama later said he  would prefer to take multilateral action rather than acting alone but added:  ‘Ultimately we don’t want the world to be paralysed.’  (link)

Verdict of the American press
