Good article at American Thinker – with one flaw. The last line.
Learning from Rachel Jeantel – To quote Nancy Pelosi, we can now see what’s in the Zimmerman-Martin case “without the fog of the controversy”. I think the biggest lesson to be learned was from Rachel Jeantel, a friend of Trayvon Martin that testified at the trial.
Witness 8
Rachel Jeantel has just had her 15 minutes. Predictable packaged responses full of defensive fury were covered very well by Thomas Lifson’s AT article. The left has exhausted her value by attacking and chiding all white people about the racist thoughts they have decided we are feeling. They skipped the fact-gathering and evidence stage and went right for the punishment in a fawning and self-righteous defense of someone not really under attack. I have to hand it to libs, they stand by their own and as long as anyone remembers the girl’s name, she will be one of their own. Their message regarding Ms. Jeantel is:
“You didn’t see what you think you saw”
“You didn’t hear what you think you heard”
“I’ll tell you what you saw and heard”
We hardly ever bother to listen these voices anymore. We shouldn’t turn away from this young woman, though, because she illustrates something so clearly. She doesn’t live in “another world” as her defenders claim, she lives in a prison.
Ms. Jeantel knows who she is and has a reputation to uphold in her social circle. Like many young people these days, she doesn’t realize that her personal tweets that define and characterize her are indelible. Apparently, after The Smoking Gun (TSG) tried to reach some of her twitter followers, someone, perhaps her, thought she should “scrub” her account. This is a fool’s errand. TSG listed in its article on June 26 all the tweets she tried to delete. Her language is colorful and her writing style comes out like written ebonics. She is underage, but clearly actively engaged in drinking and more:
“When u drinking & smoking u need good music in ur ears hahaha I feel so good on Sunday” and “I need a drink to sleep dis off fuck dis shit boi.” She also made references to Martin’s death, referred to acquaintances as “bitch” and “nigga,” and wrote about having “jackass lawyers on my ass.”
We are reading this girl’s tweets because we plucked her out of her comfort zone and put her in a fishbowl within our comfort zone, then threw her back. Her testimony clearly showed that her goal was met — she was obviously more interested in holding her head high upon return to her social circle than anything else. I’m sure her defiance and displays of attitude played well at home. (continue reading)
