Jim Hoft has a great post up at GateWayPundit about exposing the strategy of the DSCC (Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee).    In essence this outlines EXACTLY what we said last week they were going to do – it’s just how they roll.

Obama - I want you to argue with themIt’s important to note these are not campaign PAC’s, or merely affiliate entities of the Democrat party, like Think Progress or Media Matters et al.   These are the ACTUAL and OFFICIAL statements from the Democrat Party itself.

The Progs are seriously distraught about how the scandals of using official political power to attack the conservative movement is actually creating a backlash.   More people now are openly understanding how Conservatives have been, and continue to be, targeted, in an official capacity, by the Administration of President Obama.

Previously, the left-of-center crowd (ie blue dogs) thought these Tea Party claims were merely “tin foil hat” type of conspiracy theory.   Now the Independents, and moderate Democrats are realizing it’s not wild conspiracy, it’s true.


The targeting is an actual and strategic attack against a group of American citizens because they fundamentally disagree with the political ideology of the administration.

This is an extreme danger to the entire construct of a Democracy, let alone a Constitutional Republic.

Subsequently, the Democrat Party now finds itself facing a growing group of newly awakened electorate who recognize the seriousness of being targeted by your government.

Who’s next?   [Some already finding out – and it ain’t  just the political right].

In typical Democrat Alinsky fashion what do they do?   They try desperately to: Isolate the opposition, Ridicule their claims, and Marginalize the growing crowd of eye-opened supporters:

lies dscc

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Look at their claim.   Tea Party “extremists” holding signs with water-board Hillary and Obama?    walking around with Nazi symbols?

What exactly are they doing?    RULE #12 – Isolate – Ridicule – Marginalize   It’s the Alinsky way.

Now in an effort to provide further evidence to their claims they begin the process of manufacturing lies, and then seek to dispatch their ideological followers to prove what they are asserting.     The Democrats will plant people within Tea-Party and like-minded rallies to provide evidence of what they say exists – they’ll manufacture it.

We said last week this was indeed going to happen.
