Progressive Liars – yeah, I know, it’s an oxymoron…..  But there is no doubt when it comes to espousing an ideology a progressive will do anything, say anything and avoid anything that does not reconcile with their ideological view of the world.  They are notorious fibbers.

Such is the case with former Congresscritter Gabby Giffords as she claims, falsely, that Jared Loughner evaded a background check.   He didn’t, he passed one.   But progs cannot let a pesky thing like truth get in the way of their pontifications, an all too familiar mantra.

(Via New York Post)  We’re all used to hearing people say that patience is a virtue.

I think about patience every day as I continue to regain my speech and the mobility I lost after I was shot in the head two years ago, while meeting with my constituents in the parking lot of grocery store in my district.

I think about patience and determination, because I still wake up every day wanting to make the world a better place.

But lately I’m not feeling too patient toward senators and representatives who are listening to the misinformation that’s out there about universal background checks instead of to their constituents, and saying they may not support common sense solutions to ending gun violence. […]

What they will do is create one fair system for all gun buyers, instead of the giant loophole we have now. Right now, we have one system where responsible gun owners take a background check — my husband, Mark, took one just last month, and it took 5 minutes and 36 seconds. I remember waiting a lot longer than that for the subway to take me to my office when I lived in New York City! And then we have a second system for those who don’t want to take a background check. Those people — criminals, or people suffering from mental illness, like the young man who shot me — can buy as many guns as they want on the Internet or at a gun show, no questions asked.

That doesn’t make sense. We know how to fix it — by establishing a universal background check system. And yet some of our elected officials are not listening. Some even say this legislation shouldn’t get a vote in the United States Congress.  (more)
