We have talked endlessly about the “establishment” choice of Mitt Romney for the GOP nominee.   It is obvious the cocktail Republican machine is in the bag for Romney.   You don’t get endorsements from Bob Dole, John McCain, George HW Bush, Tim Pawlenty, John Thune, Lisa Murkowski et al, without being the establishment choice.

But the real question is where’s the money coming from?   Sure we know about the mysterious reported Mormon Superpac funding, but what about his campaign money?   Where is his funding coming from?  Who are his contributors?   Who are his bundlers?   Where is all of this money coming from that he can drop $20 million in Florida etc. etc. and still be burning cash? 

I’m gonna stick this on the front page for 24 hrs so we can drop info in the comments and piggy back off each others research.  What can we find out?
