Why, right back into the world of academics of course.   This is wonderful news because it shows how difficult an Obama re-election is.   David Axelrod making plans to teach in Chicago after the election reflects how he is staring at the present stark reality while planning for his own future survival.

CHICAGO David Axelrod, the longtime political strategist for Barack Obama, is already making plans for after the 2012 election, and they do not involve another candidate or another trip to Iowa. Mr. Axelrod says he plans to lead a new, nonpartisan Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago aimed at helping students seeking careers in public and social service.

“This is my last campaign,” Mr. Axelrod said, laying out his plans for the Institute of Politics, which is to be formally announced on Thursday at the University of Chicago, from which Mr. Axelrod received his bachelor’s degree in 1976. “My goal now is to help encourage young people who are going to be the David Axelrods — and better — in the future so that we’ll have a new generation of people who will be active in politics and public life.”  (read more)
