Sticking with our traditional election day discussions, this thread is specifically focused on what is happening in/around your neighborhood and precinct this election day 2022.

The practical on-the-ground reports from you are generally an excellent gauge for the ‘sense’ of the state and federal election results.

If you are voting on election day today, what are you seeing in your area?  How is turnout?

What is the general sense about the candidates in the local and state races that are important to you, your friends, your community, your neighborhood?

Are there any voting issues in your immediate area?  If so, what kind?

We will post a few updated ‘ground report’ threads throughout the day for you to share the latest news and information from your area as well as your state.

Remember a key facet in modern election cycles is to ignore any national MSM coverage of exit polling or trends as national news is generally trying to shape opinion and thereby shape outcome.

Regardless of the narrative being promoted, ignore exit polling which has been shown to be heavily manipulated by media.  Just vote.

So, what are you seeing out there?
