People who are not well versed in political strategy are falling into clear traps constructed by campaign operatives who know how to use obtuse narratives to deflect, distract and deceive.
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#1. Modern democrats campaign on feelings. #2. Modern democrats campaign on Hollywood story lines.  #3. Politics are downstream from pop culture. The Clinton campaign would like nothing more than to frame a wounded victim (Lassie) comeback story for Hillary Clinton.
Whereby, the Clinton campaign itself doesn’t fear Hillary’s feeble physical vulnerabilities; they can modify that issue into her favor through the use of a water-carrying media.  What the campaign fears most is an opponent (Trump) who focuses intensely on acting as if their candidate is strong, while simultaneously putting voter sunlight upon Clinton’s obvious deception, the lying and the fraud.
Team Clinton, like most modern liberal campaigns, are professionally versed in the utilization of a ‘victim candidate narrative’ in whatever form that victimization can be portrayed.
Toward that end they attempt to bait their opposition into making their candidate the victim, the underdog, the dispatched Balboa, the wounded Lassie the voter can cheer for in recovery and achieving victory against-all-odds.
The Clinton campaign do not benefit from an oppositional candidate (Trump/Pence) who publicly identify the Clinton campaign as strong, yet simultaneously expose the campaign’s internal Machiavellian scheming.   Voters love underdogs.  Voters do not like liars, or being lied to.
The issue with Hillary Clinton’s health is not so much that she is sick (voter sympathy), but more an issue of how far her campaign is willing to go to hide the fact that she is sick in order to achieve her/their lust for power (voter fraud).
Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook is lying.  Hillary Clinton campaign spokesperson Brian Fallon is lying.   Lies are always exposed by deep inquisitions into the details.  Lying does not hold up when in-depth details are researched; there are simply too many contradictions that surface.
Secretary Clinton, Robby Mook and Brian Fallon know they are selling a fraud and will do anything and everything to keep their deception hidden, because it is the fraud that will destroy a candidate.  This is why the press corps was kept in the dark during the Clinton episode yesterday.
Yes, there is much more to the Clinton Health Story because the contradictions are like blazing and obvious flares right now.  However, it’s the scheming and lying within the Clinton Health story that’s the bigger issue; and ultimately if that lying and scheming is exposed it will ensure Clinton’s defeat.

The Danger is in The Contrast…


– VS –

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trump ohio fair

… And the Danger is Within the Deception

Watch at 02:30 “implications”:
