This is not a political post. You may vigorously state and defend your opinions. Do it in a civil and respectful way, or do not comment here. If you cannot abide by this one very clear request, I’ll put you on the blacklist. I have the very strong opinion that people who cannot express themselves with respect do not need to be babysat in moderation. Keep to the topic.

Once upon a time, in the Treehouse long, long ago, this was a well practiced custom. The discourse and exchange of ideas was the better for it. Those of you who cannot give and take in this manner take something away from this fine site, and from each other.

You are not out there fighting the good fight. You are just standing on the sidelines, stomping your feet. And before getting your back up, please go back and re-read my second sentence.

If you aren’t clear on what that means, then I suggest you not only studiously read Sundance’s comments, but also our admin Stella’s. Go look for some of her posts and comments here, or go over to her blog, Stella’s Place. She is a master at clearly presenting logic and defending her position without logical fallacies or disrespect. It’s kind of like a classroom for discourse, in my opinion.

I have been intending to do a venting post. Kind of a rant, if you will, for all of us. No great ideas, or study, or thorough examination of a subject. Just a brief few sentences on things I think are wrong. But now isn’t the right time for that, if it ever is the right time.

Yesterday I did a post requesting prayer for Israel. Apparently, a lot of people had a problem with that. A lot of others made a complete mockery of the idea by praying or wishing awful things for the terrorists.

Terrorists whose actions, whose nature, whose belief system and morals are the most awful example of what a human can be. They do not deserve sympathy. We can’t  even put ourselves in their shoes, and try to see their side. They don’t have a side. Hate and evil are not a legitimate platform to examine for worth or understanding. Full on rejection of all they entail is the only logical and moral response, not only for Christians and Jews, but for anyone with a functional brain.

Some of the things I wanted to rant about have a little relevance here. They aren’t unique to me, or original in any way.

I am particularly tired of people who won’t work, who have never worked, and never intend to. Yet each year their lot gets better and mine gets worse.

I am tired of knowing that if I so much as don’t pay a parking ticket, I’ll suffer a trip to court and an expensive fine, while there are murders set free.

I am tired of paying more for goods because a whole group of people believe they are entitled to steal from everyone and suffer no consequences at all. And they don’t suffer any consequences. At all.

And, may I boldly emphasize that the topic and point of this post, and comments, is not about ranting. Maybe another day.

As I said, these few examples, and the others I’d intended to list, have nothing directly to do with my topic. Ah, but indirectly, there’s the point.

I have become so absorbed in my interior rants that I have crossed a line. I’m no longer in a place of righteous anger and seeking justice, justice grounded in God’s law and truth. I am no longer listening as I ought at all times to Christ’s voice inside me. I am no longer looking to him who taught us the both/and way of walking out our lives of faith. The Master who both turned over the moneychanger’s tables and wreaked havoc at the Temple, and rebuked the Sons of Thunder for their thirst for vengeance.

Yesterday was a stark wake up call for me. My own house in not in order. My will is not submitted to Christ. My words do not reflect his teachings. My heart has been given to passions other than that which should at all times be central in my life.

I have failed to carry my cross. I have scorned my cross. I have failed to offer my sufferings to Jesus. I have, through my fault, my most grievous fault, sinned greatly in my anger and pride.

The Confiteor

I confess to almighty God
and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly sinned
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done,
and in what I have failed to do;
through my fault, through my fault,
through my most grievous fault;
therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
all the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
