CTH took considerable flak for reporting on the uniparty system of Georgia politics prior to the 2020 midterms.  With the election in the rearview mirror, the Georgia Secretary of State is now proposing to permanently codify Democrat control of the state.

(Via Reason) […] Speaking to The New York Times last week, Raffensperger said he would petition the state legislature with three separate proposals. One would force large counties to open more locations for voting early. Another would lower the vote total needed to avoid a runoff from 50 percent to 45.

The third proposal is the most consequential, and the most interesting. Raffensperger will also state lawmakers to consider switching to a ranked choice ballot for future elections. (read more)

Ranked Choice Voting is a particularly insidious way for party control officers to stop unapproved candidates, it also provides the opposition party with a tool to defeat specifically targeted opponents.  As we saw in the Alaska midterm race, it was the second-choice votes of democrats that pushed Senator Lisa Murkowski to victory.

Hopefully the people of Georgia will tell their legislature this is not a workable solution.

Meanwhile Ronna McDaniel is promoting herself for RNC reelection and urging republican voters to unify.

(NY Post) […] “The RNC, we don’t pick the candidates. The voters​ ​do. We don’t do the messaging. That’s up to the campaigns. But we do​ ​do turnout. The one thing we’re seeing right now is that turnout was sky high, but Republicans didn’t vote for every Republican candidate​,” [McDaniel] said.

Which, as customary, provides the opening for the insufferable Karl Rove to define acceptable republicans.

“We had a lot of candidates, who, at the end of the day, Republicans … couldn’t vote for. … The reason was we ended up with some knuckleheads who were endorsed by President Trump without proper vetting,” Rove told Catsimatidis.

“​Quality of candidates matters. What we saw in this election was the return of the ticket-splitters. It was a bunch of Republicans who said, ‘I can’t bring myself to [vote for] somebody who is subpar or unqualified for office​,’” he said. ​(more)

Emperor Rove always pretends not to notice that perhaps election outcomes are the result of a base of the party not enthusiastic with his “acceptable republican,” and the establishment base not supporting the primary victor.

According to the professionally republican voices, the base must support the party candidate if it is an establishment victor; however, if the non-approved party candidate gains victory in the primary, the establishment voters are under no such expectation….  Nothing has changed in GOPe politics.

The base of the GOP needs a strategic alliance with U.S. trade unions.

The trade unions need to get rid of the communists in their leadership and join in unity withe the MAGA middle-class.  The rank-and-file trade union membership is already in alliance with the MAGA movement, but the leadership needs to be removed and replaced by more floor votes.

If MAGA and the Trade Unions can unite, we have the foundation to reframe the entire political dynamic.

This is where the U.S. Potato Rebellion needs to follow the model of the Polish Solidarity movement.

The potato rebellion grows underground, when it strategically surfaces it has the ability to grow more eyes.

Trade unions, farmers, yellow vests and the MAGA working class have a unified interest….

…..We control everything if we unite.
