The key takeaways from the Super Tuesday results so far…  Joe Biden won significantly, and it looks like those wins were by design.  The media are amplifying a strong Biden narrative on behalf of the professional political class within the DNC Club.

(1) If you accept the Club objective to keep the progressive Sanders vote split, and then  assemble the non-Sanders vote – all proportional states, the Club was very successful.
(2) As a result of coalescing within the moderate lane, the withdrawal of Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg helped Joe Biden achieve wins in states he never even campaigned in.
(3) If you align Elizabeth Warren votes with Bernie Sanders (progressives) and Michael Bloomberg votes with Joe Biden (Club “moderates”)… Elizabeth Warren staying in the race cost Bernie Sanders wins in Minnesota, Maine and Massachusetts.

(4) Extending the math, the delegate impact from Warren staying in the race was a net negative to Bernie Sanders and a net positive to Joe Biden.   Without Warren Bernie would have had larger delegate wins in Utah, Colorado and California.
(5) Joe Biden winning Texas was arguably the biggest surprise.
(6) Without Warren in the race Bernie would have won seven states: Minnesota, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Colorado, Utah and California.   Biden would have also won seven states: Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Texas.
(7) If you accept the Club goal was to diminish Bernie Sanders, the plan for Klobuchar and Buttigieg to exit the race and Warren remaining in the race did exactly what was intended.
(8) Despite winning some delegates Michael Bloomberg did not negatively impact Joe Biden.  Biden’s wins in North Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas would have been larger; but the resulting delegate additions would have been less than the delegate additions Bernie would have received from Warren’s exit.
Bernie Sanders is in a tenuous position as long as Elizabeth Warren remains in the race.
The total delegate distribution is still unknown.  However, it does not currently appear like Bernie will achieve the threshold of half the total delegates that were available.  California might be Bernie’s firewall to keep the delegate count close.
Team Bernie will now have to try and withstand an absolute blitz of pro-Biden media as the Club gets everyone to fall-in-line.
Meanwhile the voter turnout for an essentially uncontested President Trump was a very good sign.  The turnout numbers for President Trump far exceed any former incumbent.

All good signs for President Trump moving forward into the general election.

New York Times Election Results Here

CNN Election Results Here

Politico Election Rssults Here

The decisions by Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg are also very important now.
