October 4th 2016 – CTH has no idea what Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are planning to release at 3:00am EDT / 9:00am (Berlin).   However, Alex Jones has established a Live Stream discussion / broadcast for 2:00am Central or 3:00am Eastern time.
These are very consequential moments in our election history.   This could be a gimmick; then again, this could be something exceptionally important.  Therefore it is prudent to present as much direct-source information as possible so that people can make informed decisions.

Here’s a direct embed of the live-stream as it is scheduled:

“People have a right to understand who it is they’re electing,” said Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, adding that the information comprised of “a variety of different types of documents, from different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles that are quite interesting, some even entertaining.” (Via Alex Jones)

Right Side Broadcasting is also carrying a Live Stream

We will keep this post sticky atop the page from midnight Eastern until after the announcement in order to share and evaluate the content therein.
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