ObamacareIf the issues were not so ultimately important this would be laughable.  Bill Clinton admits today, during a speech in Flint Michigan, that ObamaCare is a complete mess for the average middle class American.
The ObamaCare plan to cover the 32 million uninsured has resulted in 25 million getting some form of subsidized coverage, while everyone who did have health insurance before ObamaCare is kicked in the teeth….  Gee, um, who didn’t see this years ago.
Interestingly, Bill’s solution today (as outlined) is exactly what we predicted it would be back in 2011/2012 when we warned everyone that Hillary Clinton would be running for office in 2016 and her healthcare solution would be to push everyone into Medicare.  SEE HERE

Back in 2011, 2012, and 2013 we warned everyone this would be happen:

[…]  Stage Eight – Election year 2016 ! Introduction of “Clintoncare” Hillary Clinton steps in with previous plan from 1990’s, and the nation votes on essentially a single payer plan with promises of lower taxation, et al. By that time so many people will be enrolled in the ACA “Obamacare” the selling point will be around transition to “Clintoncare” being actually easier.
Stage Nine – Medicare is rolled into Clintoncare – Nationalization complete.
Lean Forward
