Trump arizona 4Donald Trump was widely anticipated to be giving an immigration policy speech in Arizona next Wednesday, the day following the Arizona primary election.   However, Arizona media is now reporting the Trump campaign has cancelled the event:

ARIZONA – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has canceled his visit to Phoenix next week, his campaign said Friday.

update-1UPDATE 8:00pm:  Donald Trump Tweets “venue change”.

Trump was scheduled to deliver a speech at a downtown Phoenix hotel on Wednesday. But Brian Seitchik, Trump’s Arizona state director said, “We have postponed next Wednesday’s visit, but we look forward to having another Arizona event scheduled soon.”

The campaign provided no explanation for the cancellation. Trump also cancelled a Las Vegas rally scheduled for Friday, although the candidate did travel there en route to a fundraiser in northern Nevada. And earlier this week, Trump called off other scheduled events, including in Colorado. (read more)

IMHO – Kellyanne Conway, the toxic and highly dangerous entity that she is, carrying her unilateral -Wall Street financed- activist immigration agenda, has twisted a clear and winning campaign policy into a pretzel of doublespeak, parseltongue, and professional obfuscation.   I could be wrong.  I have been wrong often.  I have no objectivity when I identify abusers. My opinion is also jaded by my acceptance that Conway is an absolute snake second only to Jeff Roe.  I distrust Conway with extreme prejudice, so I am more than likely entirely wrong. ~Sundance
