Campaigning with over 10,000 supporters in Daytona Beach Florida, candidate Donald Trump continues to use a very effective insurgent approach to broaden the base of support.

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hillary neck tieIn contrast Hillary Clinton is alone in Colorado complaining about Donald Trump neck ties.  No seriously, you can’t make this stuff up folks…. you just can’t.

Many people are missing the logistics to the Trump-Pence campaign.  In essence Donald Trump and Mike Pence are shadowing the exact same campaign locations of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.

However, where Clinton-Kaine draw crowds of “dozens”, perhaps “hundreds”, Trump and Pence are drawing crowds of multiple thousands.

But this is only one part of the campaign reality hidden by a water-carrying Clinton media machine.

The energy, enthusiasm and voter support is with the authenticity of the Trump-Pence campaign ticket.  This clear and visible reality carries far more weight than any manipulative media polling can convey, and as such it must be kept from the discussion.

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The Trump campaign is atypical; it is an insurgency.  The traditional political media are having a difficult time even wrapping their arms around the approach being utilized by Donald Trump because it doesn’t fit the customary norms, the pert box or their frames of reference.

The same problem exists within traditional political followers who continually forget to reset their linear thinking and look at the changed dynamics of the Trump insurgency.  Traditional party affiliations are not the focus of candidate Donald Trump’s efforts, they matter not.

Donald Trump is focused on America’s best interests first and foremost.  As such the traditional Democrat / Republican paradigm just doesn’t work.   There are usurping agents within both parties who do not put America’s interests first.  Trump will not support any candidate, regardless of affiliation, who does not meet that basic tenet, “America First”.  Again, for visual reference:

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Being attacked by those who identify party first (many globalists), and Wall Street’s interests over Main street, is not adverse to Trump’s insurgent approach.  Factually the opposite is accurate, it actually helps Donald Trump.

The media is transparently in opposition to the anti-Hillary candidate.  The media has lost all pretense of trying to hide their bias.  This too is part of Trump’s larger strategy.  By positioning his campaign as visibly antagonistic to the media he baits them into ridiculously over-the-top attacks.

Some in the media have noticed the trap Trump is laying in front of them and have begun to tell their colleagues to back off. –SEE HERE–  However, so far -thankfully- the alarm bells are falling on deaf ears and the media continues the onslaught.

In essence the media is so rabid with their piranha approach they are not paying attention to their geography.  Trump is dragging the bloody meat into an entirely new landscape, that’s unfamiliar to the frenzied media fish.   By the time they recognize the absence of water, it will be too late…. they will have removed the last vestiges of their own credibility.

[…]  Polls shows that journalism is one of the least respected professions in the country, and with Trump calling out media organizations for their bias, widespread slanted reporting is bound to reinforce this point — and to backfire.

Trump’s campaign is throwing down the gauntlet to the political class. If journalists are seen as the mouthpiece of that class, they may soon find themselves covering Trump’s inauguration. (link)

romney rat 1Meanwhile the DC professional political class, the UniParty, are in a similar position, to the media.  The atypical campaign approach has left them thunder-struck and trying desperately to figure out a way to remove the risk.

Candidate Trump continues to fully expose the UniParty for what it is, corrupt.

Traditional party affiliations are being dispatched as the UniParty membership rush to protect their influence and affluence.  Within this intense anti-Trump dynamic exists the heart of the problem within Washington DC.  Politicians who do not hold America-First principles as the core of their political ideology.

However, the broader U.S. electorate has been engaged and aware of the corruption for a long time, they just couldn’t put a finger directly on the cause.  Donald Trump is exposing the root issue that lies at the center of the problem.

Trump is exposing the origin of the DC corruption and simultaneously quenching the thirst of the electorate who have yearned for the truth.  This simple understanding is at the very core of the inability of his detractors, political and media, to have any success trying to diminish him.

Donald Trump is America’s candidate.

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