A collection of some of the additional Sunday talk show interviews worth watching:

Paul Manafort on Fox News Sunday –  [*Note* Post Ailes exit, FNS is in the evolution mode shifting toward full support for Hillary Clinton while still trying to retain the financial value of Trump friendly appearances and discussion.]

Paul Manafort Interviwed by George Stephanopoulos On “This Week – [*Note* ABC (Disney) is in full elect of Hillary Clinton mode. Stephanopoulos remains a board member for The Clinton Foundation (Clinton Global Initiative)]

Donald Trump Jr. Interviewed by Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” – [*Note* Jake Tapper was one of the journalists/media pundits outlined in the WikiLeaks emails coordinating support for Hillary Clinton with the DNC. In addition Jake Tapper worked as Press Secretary for the mother-in-law of Chelsea Clinton and is part of the Clinton Global Initiative media team]

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