There were some who clung to the belief that Senator Ted Cruz could survive his belittling, too-cute-by-half, selfish convention speech.  That group just lost a whole lot of members with this published story.

Robert Mercer, the renegade, outlaw (non traditional) political billionaire who determines where all other outlaw political billionaires go with their view$, has just delivered a non recoverable smack down upon Senator Ted Cruz.

robert mercer

Noted, of course, is the vessel (NYT) utilized by an angry Mercer – to deliver the message and drive home the scope of his rebuke:

(Via New York Times) In an extraordinary public rebuke, two influential donors who were among the biggest supporters of Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign excoriated Mr. Cruz on Saturday for his decision not to endorse Donald J. Trump at the Republican National Convention.

The remarks from Robert Mercer of Long Island and his daughter Rebekah Mercer suggest widening fallout over Mr. Cruz’s convention speech, in which he did not endorse his former rival and, instead, suggested that Republicans should “vote your conscience” for candidates “up and down the ticket.”

“Last summer and again this year, Senator Ted Cruz pledged to support the candidacy of the nominee of the Republican Party, whomever that nominee might be,” the Mercers, who rarely comment in the news media, said in the statement to The New York Times.

“We are profoundly disappointed that on Wednesday night he chose to disregard this pledge.  The Democratic Party will soon choose as their nominee a candidate who would repeal both the First and Second Amendments of the Bill of Rights, a nominee who would remake the Supreme Court in her own image. We need ‘all hands on deck’ to ensure that Mr. Trump prevails”.

“Unfortunately, Senator Cruz has chosen to remain in his bunk below, a decision both regrettable and revealing.” (read more)

cruz bumThis is HUGE…. Remember, Mercer bought and built the entire Cambridge Analytics empire specifically for Ted Cruz.  Then Mercer purchased Breitbart to assist the endeavor; then Mercer put $11 million into Cruz super-PAC’s.

Billionaire Robert Mercer just crushed any future hope for Ted Cruz’s career (though we did think that might possibly happen).  The use of “regrettable and revealing“, is a very key component of the statement.

Such a loud and visible atomic sledgehammer approach also means the similarly minded financial backers, like the Wilks Brothers, will find difficulty not follow suit and turn their backs on Cruz.

Left-wing political billionaires and right-wing political billionaires all travel in the same circles.  Remember the exclusive Sea Island, Georgia billionaire meeting to “stop Trump”?

The potential ripple effect of this Mercer move becomes exponential.

Here’s where it gets even more interesting.  Mercer taking such an aggressive position also thwacks the financial teams behind all the pro-Cruz, anti-Trump web sites.

If that ripple builds, and there’s no reason to think it won’t, Erick Erickson (Resurgent), Ben Shapiro (Daily Wire), NRO, the entire Salem Media Network (Human Event, Hot Air, Twitchy, Red State), and all the affiliated punditry (Hugh Hewitt, Jonah Goldberg) could be left high-and-dry.

The entire media Cruz Crew watching their career$ flu$hed down the toilet.

five stooges never trump

Financially dry.

Oh man, this is delicious.

Especially because Fox News is already going full moonbat.

Additionally, this could mean the following political Sea Island attendees are also forced, for sake of their own political reelection skin, to go “Full Trump”:

♦ Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Kentucky), ♦ political guru Karl Rove, ♦ House Speaker Paul Ryan, ♦ GOP Senators •Tom Cotton (Arkansas), •Cory Gardner (Colorado), •Tim Scott (South Carolina), •Rob Portman (Ohio) and •Ben Sasse (Nebraska).


Oh bother, for a person who follows politics like insiders baseball, this development is better than Christmas,.. well,… almost better.  Close.

‘Splodey !!

Lots of ‘Splodey !!

The Age of The Industrial Titan Returns.

trump convention 2

Remember this from way earlier in the campaign:?

Trump mercer tweet


#BestSummerEver !
