As a Clinton rally begins in Florida today, we must accept there are many CTH readers who may not be comprehensively familiar with the scope of corruption within the Clinton Machine.  Everything within the life story of Bill and Hillary is based on a principle of self serving: greed, influence, power, lust and political control.

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Senator Tim Kaine was chosen because the machine operators feel he will keep the Clinton secrets.  Nothing more.  Hillary’s #1 litmus test was not looking for an enhancement to the ticket, she was looking for someone “safe”, someone who would find out where the political bodies are buried and yet keep their mouth shut.

In order for a crew of liars to believe a person can be trusted, they generally have to hold an insurance policy.  Therefore it is reasonable to assume there is something VERY DARK in the background of Tim Kaine that team Clinton know and can hold against him as insurance for silence.   Your gut is already screaming at you what Kaines secret is, you just need to listen to it. (Jesuit all male school)

Kaine is a shipwreck searching for the hidden rocks.  Watch, you’ll see.

One of Tim Kaine’s assets being pushed by the media is a fluency in the Spanish language. That’s actually a major fail.  The cultural “isms” within the Hispanic/Latino community have nothing to do with language.  Patroné is a much stronger cultural asset, and Clinton/Kaine don’t have it.

Clinton KaineWatch the optics.  Watch the optics very closely.  What you’ll see is a tight script on the campaign itself.  This will be historic levels of smoke and mirrors, all fake.  The Clinton/Kaine ticket, and all platforms therein, are a pure Potemkin Village.

The Clinton goal is simply to grasp power and financial wealth; there is no campaign objective other than their own self interest.

Part of that Potemkin Village was the campaign kickoff today in Florida.  There’s only one county in Florida where Clinton pandering will carry a benefit, Miami-Dade.   Yet, even there the venue is not at capacity, they were only able to round up a few thousand people. All photographic optics will be framed to make it seem like something it’s not.

Clinton/Kaine is a complete fraud.

This November election will not be close.

Hillary Clinton press we can 2

Free College

Immigration Amnesty

Gun Bans

Single-Payer Healthcare
