11:30pm Turkish President Recep Erdogan claims he is back in full control. Claims the coup has failed.

9:00pm Some Reports that Coup has failed / Others it has succeeded.  Unfortunately, if coup did fail, that means the Islamists have won.  If Islamists win, anticipate extreme backlash from a returning Recep Erdogan who will most likely go full dictator now.
Obama Erdogan - TurkeyErdogan is notorious for punishing his enemies.  Erdogan will probably open the floodgates for more Islamists to flow freely into the European Union to punish the secularists for their uprising.
Recep Erdogan will therefore have replaced former EU blackmailer Muammar Gaddafi using the exact same strategy, uncontrolled immigration, to punish his neighbors.   The EU was previously paying Gaddafi €5+ million/yr to keep North African immigration under control.  If coup fails it will be a very bad day for the EU, as Erdogan will now leverage his dictatorial power to force EU compliance with his wishes.
This fits the grandiose plans of Erdogan swimmingly.  He desperately wants to recreate the Ottomoan Empire in his lifetime.

7:00pm EDT Erdogan Fights BackIn an effort to regain control Turkey President Recep Erdogan used Skype to reach state media and a friendly state media pundit put the Erdogan instructions on their broadcast. 

Because President Erdogan was successful in broadcasting his instructions, the military coup d’etat leadership will now be forced to shut down social media and communications.

  • President Recep Erdogan Supporters = Islamist, hard line Muslim base of support. Anti-Western sentiments.
  • Military Supporters – Moderate and Secular voices. More pro-western sentiment.

You must remember in this coup d’etat the Western MSM is, in a general sense, going to be on the side of Recep Erdogan.  President Obama and the White House will definitely be on the side of Recep Erdogan.

President Obama and President Erdogan are ideological BFF’s


This Turkish 2016 coup is almost identical to the 2013 coup in Egypt.  In Egypt the Obama regime supported the Islamist President Morsi, the popular base of the electorate supported the military – General Fattah el-Sisi was the head of the Egyptian army.
Erdogan’s Skyped broadcast instructions were for his supporters (hardliners, extremists and Islamists) to take to the streets and push back against the secular military.  In response the Mosques have called their Muslim congregations to take to the streets and show support for Erdogan against the military.
Turkish state police are also, in general terms, on the side of Erdogan.  President Erdogan has used the state police as a quasi-enforcement mechanism for Islamist objectives.  In the past several years Erdogan has also taken over much of the media and instituted the state run TV.

The population is split.  One side is anti-Western/pro-Islam (Erdogan).  The other side is Pro-Western/pro-secular (Military).
It was previously reported that Erdogan requested support/asylum from Germany.  However, if Erdogan is able to get the state police and Islamists onto the streets he might be able to keep control.  The military don’t want to engage with the ordinary population, they don’t want to start fighting their own citizens.  Erdogan can use this leverage to his benefit.
The military goal will be to keep the peace and avoid violence and get everyone to go back inside and remain calm.
The Erdogan goal will be to keep the chaos, keep his supporters on the street, use police to fight military if needed and hold on to power.
5:00pm The Turkish Military now says they are in control !!!  This is EGYPT 2013 All over Again !!!!
It would not surprise us if these reports are confirmed.  Heck, we were just discussing this last night.  Details are very sketchy, but top level Turkish political officials are saying an illegal military action is currently underway in Turkey.
turkey coup 2turkey coup 3
The military, including the air force, has taken control of key points of infrastructure throughout the nation.
Turkey coup 1
There have been reports of military action in several places throughout Turkey:


Factually, these events do not come as a surprise.  Recep Erdogan and his entire administration has increasingly been pushing a more hardline Islamist approach toward governance.  By all indications over the past several years Erodogan has grandiose plans to rebuild a modern Ottoman Empire, with himself as the head.
erdogan ompa loompa
Building himself an opulent White Marble palace:
erdogan turkey-presidential-palace
Last year Erdogan gave political refuge to the exiled Muslim Brotherhood leaders from Egypt and Qatar.  He has jailed moderate and secular opposition, shut down the free press, arrested those who have reported negatively on his administration, and several reports have strong evidence he has ordered the assassination of journalists.
There is good reason to believe the secular, and more Western, entities within the country are quite simply fed up with the increased -more radical- Islamization of Turkey.
A similar coup d’etat took place in Egypt (2013) when Egyptian General Fattah el-Sisi was pushed to take over from the extreme Muslim Brotherhood Islamist Mohammed Morsi.  Could Turkey be undergoing a similar ideological change?
Remember, President Obama is BFF’s with Recep Erdogan.  When Erdogan was isolated from much of the Western world, due to his extremist opinions, it was President Obama who rose to defend Erdogan.
Obama Erdogan - Turkey

REMEMBER: Turkey is a NATO nation.

