The Brexit vote is less than 24 hours away.  The usual socialist, globalist, brangelina peacenik, obama-loving liberals who prefer to sit naked in camp circles while eating sustainable algae cakes and picking parasites off each other are evident amid the arguments held by the REMAIN side.
And then there’s Boris Johnson:

Below you will find the full 2 hour great debate broken down into four bite sized morsels for those who are interested in following the arguments.  Of course the debate is sponsored by the Uber Progressive Anti-Nationalist British Broadcasting Company (BBC).  They wouldn’t have it any other way….
Remember, we predict the Brexit vote outcome will entirely change the framework of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.
If Hillary’s State Department initiated Rivkin multi-culturalism EU project is rebuked, you can anticipate Clinton to moderate her globalist message.  If however, Britain votes to remain in the EU Clinton will feel empowered to double down on her globalist intentions.
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4
