Western liberal media is stuck between a rock and a hard place when discussing Venezuela.  A decade long economic devolution as a direct result of yet another attempt at socialism is ending the same way the socialist experiment has always ended, total misery.

Venezuela is struggling both economically and politically, facing massive food shortages, regular blackouts, skyrocketing inflation and an increasingly dire public health situation. Hospitals lack beds, antibiotics, medical equipment, doctors, even running water.

U.S. intelligence officials said Friday that the country may be on the verge of a crisis. Just hours later, President Nicolas Maduro declared a 60-day state of emergency to “stabilize our country, and confront all the international and national threats against our fatherland.” (link)

super marioSuper Mario has failed – President Nicolas Maduro issued a decree giving soldiers authority to keep public order and distribute and sell food.

Local civilian committees currently tasked with handing out food will also be authorized to help the army and police “maintain public order and guarantee security and sovereignty in the country.”

Individuals, companies or non-governmental organizations in Venezuela with links to foreign entities are to be put under scrutiny and their finances frozen if deemed to be political or destabilizing.

The text also permits taking control of basic goods or services — opening the way to expropriations of companies.

It allows all “necessary and urgent means” to restore and maintain sources of energy.

And, to conserve electricity, it also gives the government the right to cut the workweek in the private sector, as it already has done with the public sector, whose employees now work just two days a week.  (read more)

venezuela civil war 2


Former Venezuela dictator Hugo Chavez was a close friend of the moonbats in Hollywood to include actors Sean Penn and Danny Glover.  Academic moonbats like President Obama, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders also swooned over the Venezuela economic enterprise.



Why nations’ continue to try socialism truly is one of the more remarkable puzzles in history.  Everywhere socialistic economics have been tried, it failed.  Yet within every generation there arises a new call to try again only to  repeat the failure.
