6:30pm  We anticipate the need for more than one Super-Saturday election results thread. Hence, we will number them (as above) depending on the volume of inbound data.


♦ *Kansas – Congratulations Team Cruz

♦ Kentucky ♦ Louisiana ♦ Maine

….all have Republican Primary voting contests today.

Trump banner 2

*Remember, Santorum (’12) and Huckabee (’08) won Kansas

◊ Politico Link To Results HERE

  • Kansas – Caucus. 40 delegates (12 district proportional, 25 state proportional, 3 party) Minimum threshold 10%  – Ted Cruz Wins
  • Kentucky – Caucus. 46 delegates (all state proportional) Minimum threshold 5%
  • Louisiana – Primary 46 delegates (18 district, 28 state) Proportional. Minimum threshold 20%
  • Maine – Caucus. 23 delegates Proportional if no-one gets 50%

sirenUPDATE:  It is really frustrating that many people’s comments do not understand the psy-ops of political manipulation.  There is a reason why the State Republican Parties hold back data, and strategically time the release of data to frame media discussions and narratives. 

Example: You’ll note the official republican party apparatus holding Maine data, while allowing “some” Cruz data [ie. Kansas 50%+ Cruz win] to flow into the media narrative.  Once the media narrative embeds, voila’ Kansas releases final stats showing Cruz well below 50%, and gap very tight in Maine.

REGARDING MAINE – LOOK at Rubio’s numbers !!

What you will see is that there was a coordinated GOPe operation to shift GOPe operatives from Rubio to Cruz so they can block Trump.

There’s no way Rubio would be positioned so far down in GOPe country (Kennebunkport etc) were it not a very specific set of party instructions to do so.

REGARDING KENTUCKY – The party apparatus (Mitch McConnell) will hold back Trump numbers as long as they can.

REGARDING LOUISIANA  – The party apparatus (professional GOPe) will hold back Trump numbers so he can’t go to the pre-scheduled presser (9:00PM) with them.

See how that works?

Join the insurgency.  Learn, teach yourself, to see this stuff.
