Imitation is the GOPe’s sincerest form of flattery…

A leaked NRSC memo (full pdf below) written by executive director Ward Baker discusses the Donald Trump phenomenon and instructs republican candidates to tap into The Trump, but don’t mimic the controversial stuff.

The memo is interesting because of the timing of when it was written (September 22nd), which is post GOP debate #2 (Operation Hummingbird – CNN Jake Tapper debate where all candidates were pitted against Trump 9/16),  and the content within it.

trump crosses

Essentially the memo tries to instruct GOPe candidates how to accept the seismic shift in the political landscape.   It also urges them to adopt many of Trump’s tactics, issues and approaches including adjusting the way they dress and how they use Twitter to engage genuine support from ordinary citizens.

…”[…] Avoid Washington-speak (legislation, bills, insider talk) in favor of Main Street common sense. And, tell your communications and media teams to up the vibe and change the look. Voters are on to you when you do the standard walk and talk through a business, school, or factory”…

This GOPe approach sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton’s memo outlining her shift to schedule specific times to be more authentic, more impromptu – “scheduled authenticity“, D’oh, brilliant!

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

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