Wow.  Earlier this morning House Speaker Paul Ryan announced his confidence that a $1.1 TRILLION Omnibus spending bill will pass prior to December 11th – See Here.

Now word comes of a ‘Five-Year’ Highway Spending deal just North of $300 billion – Here’s the bill pdf ( <– warning 1,300+ pages):

paul ryan 1WASHINGTON DC – Lawmakers are on track to clear a massive transportation infrastructure bill as soon as this week, a legislative coup a decade in the making that will give new House Speaker Paul Ryan something to crow about.

Negotiators from both chambers of Congress tasked with hashing out a final deal are set to announce an agreement Tuesday afternoon after a majority of conferees signed off on the package, setting the stage for the mammoth deal to move through the House and Senate this week, ahead of this Friday’s deadline. As expected, the bill also includes a provision to revive the Export-Import Bank, an export-promoting agency that expired last summer amid attacks from conservatives who said it provides corporate welfare and promotes crony capitalism.

The deal is a victory for Republican leaders, hungry to show they can govern both chambers after a tumultuous year that saw the resignation of former Speaker John Boehner in October and a slew of near-legislative calamities.  (read more)

paul ryan mitt romney - selfie tweet

Wasteful Spending - Government Waste - Money
