I’m not quite sure which is the more concerning aspect:  A) that Des Moines Register reporter Brianne Pfannenstiel thought it was ok to mock and ridicule donors to Donald Trump’s campaign; B) That she thought it was ok to publicly broadcast their home addresses; C) That she is still employed; D) Given the issue(s) – that the Des Moines Register editorial staff thought it would be appropriate for them to publish an article with her findings.

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It would appear the DMR is beyond tone-deaf, or they just don’t care.  You decide:

Brianne Pfannenstiel for The Des Moines Register –  At least 20 Iowans have given money to Donald Trump — a man who, by all accounts, doesn’t need a dime.

With an estimated net worth of $4.5 billion, Trump is among the richest people ever to run for president. He’s the only major candidate of either party who’s not actively soliciting donations and doesn’t rely on the help of an affiliated super political action committee.

But that hasn’t stopped Iowans from pulling out their checkbooks.

So far in the campaign, Iowans’ checks to Trump’s bid total $12,976.79.

“I just kind of wanted to let him know that ‘Hey, Iowa could go your way,’ ” said Tamara Olsen, a Clinton resident who gave to Trump’s campaign. “And since he wasn’t soliciting donations, I don’t know, there was something nicer about it.”  (read more)

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