Another YouGov National Poll (pdf below) shows Donald Trump leading with every polled demographic.  Simultaneously, hidden in the data this national poll shows how Fox News is manipulating their results by focusing on a polled electorate over 65-years-old.


The full poll data is below, however I’ve pulled out the key metrics so you can see how the candidates line up amid electoral support.

you gov screen grab 10-14click to enlarge

you gov screen grab 2 10-14You might note something from earlier reference which highlights a contrast to other polls showing Ben Carson in a much closer race with Donald Trump (circled above).  In all of the polls -presented almost exclusively by Fox News- showing such a close Carson / Trump race, the electoral support of those over 65 is the reverse of what you see noted above.

As with the majority of large sample polls Donald Trump continues to lead in every demographic and specifically with women.   All of the media narratives against Donald Trump fail when contrast against this poll result.

The Corporate Media support behind Decepticon Marco Rubio shows that nationally some of it is having an effect.  I continue to see evidence that Wall Street has made a decision to reverse the roles of Rubio and Bush allowing Rubio to take lead in the current tag-team race.

However, Marco Rubio will never be potus – Rubio’s advancement is RNC/GOPe strategy, allowing  Bush to survive all the bad news by drafting quietly behind him.

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